Day 01 (Thursday, Oct 21, 2010)
An ordinary day at work... just that after work, I felt a bit headache. Thought it was due to the fact I was working too many hours in front of my computer. A good night sleep would solve the problem, I said to myself... as I sometimes had this headache if I had been working too many hours in front of the computer. I went home early and took a good hot bath, washed my hair as I did everyday... and blown dry my hair immediately. I found 2 blisters at my back and a zit on my face. My fingers couldn't help but pressing the blisters and some watery liquid came out of it. Must be acne... no big deal. I still kept thinking this couldn't be happening to me... My sis was suffering from chickenpox 2 weeks ago. Nah... I must be coming down to a cold or a flu since I was soaked wet while running to the parking lot trying to avoid the rain earlier. Meanwhile my head was aching more and more... and all I wanted was go to bed as soon as possible... hoping that a good night sleep would wash away my headache. The clock just struck 10h00 as I climbed up my bed and slumbered off...
Day 02
Hooray, it was Friday... the best day of the week. But how come the headache didn't go away after an 8 hours sleep? However, still went to work. My head was soaring all day. Hey... Friday is supposed to be fun and relaxing but my headache was killing me. Replied a few emails from my sisterhood on a sis' housewarming lunch tomorrow... a long planned gathering since Ied celebration. Really looking forward to it. The heavy downpour outside my window and I had to run through the rain again today, I thought to myself. Quite a great climate change these days... Hope I didn't go down with cold or flu. When I got home, I was feeling terrible. My head and body was aching and I felt hot and feverish. Found one watery red spot on the inner side of my left arm... No... no... this couldn't be happening to me... I was still full of denial though deep down inside I knew it was happening to me. Sadly I canceled all my agenda for the weekend and booked an appointment with my dermatologist for the next day. Sipped up a high dose Vitamin C as the first aid to the most horrible nasty disease I could think of... and went to sleep... luckily I managed to sound asleep though.
Day 03
By morning I developed a few pale red spots on my face and watery boils on my back. Yet I had to take a shower since I couldn't go to see my dermatologist looking pale and sweaty. At least I had to look fresh. I took a bath with Permanganas Kalikus (PK) crystals added (from my sis' GP prescription)... and off I went to a hospital at Kebon Jeruk. OMG... my worst nightmare was happening... My dermatologist immediately confirmed chickenpox. He prescribed Inclovir (Valacyclovir 500 mg), Zoter (Acyclovir 50 mg) cream to rub on the pox... and a week sick leaves note.
Valacyclovir is antiviral treatment of HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) infections n the skin and mucuos membrane including initial and recurrent herpes zoster. Duration of theraphy: Initial episodes: 7 days, recurrent episodes: 7 days. Valacyclovir had to be taken at regular intervals as instructed. Do not skip any doses. Continue to take it even when I had felt better and I must complete the entire course. Might cause dizziness and sleepiness as side effect.
Zoter cream contains Acyclovir, a synthetic guanine derivative with antiviral activity to Herpes Simplex Type I and II and Varicella Zoster. Zoter cream should be applied 5 times daily at approximately 4 hourly intervals, omitting the night time application. It should be initiated as early as possible following the onset of signs and symptoms. Treatment should be continued for 5 days. If healing has not occured, treatment may be continued up to 10 days.
I was given 40 tablets of Inclovir, to be taken 3 times a day, and 2 tablets each... and a small tube of Zoter cream (5gr). Well, maybe my dermatologist thought a small tube would do in order to help reduce the number of blisters... which was not many by the time I went to see him. Not a huge skin problem but did cost me a lot. I spent a total of IDR 974,750 for one appointment (IDR 280,000 for dermatologist fee, IDR 646,960 for 40 tablets of Inclovir, IDR 47,490 for a small tube of Zoter cream).
According to the dermatologist, I was infected 2 weeks ago... meaning I was infected by the time my sis was infected... Yet the symptom didn't surface because my immune system was able to keep the virus at bay. But then... 2 days soaked wet in rain definitely took its toll on me.
Day 04
Woke up in the morning with more red marks and water boils all over scalp, face, neck, arms, chest and back. Took a bath with Permanganas Kalikus (PK) crystals added. Didn't seem to do much. Thought the antiviral medicine would help reduce the blisters... turned out I was wrong... Today was the worst day ever... My torso was all covered with spots and boils and my face was full of pus-filled blisters.... at least 15 as I counted. I'm doomed! No way I could go out for the whole week... or maybe a week afterwards if my facial skin was not getting any better. The Zoter cream wouldn't be enough for all my blisters, so I decided to just apply the cream on my face and neck... and applied cold powder on the rest of the body. Slept for a few hours during the medication intervals. Had to stick to the intervals instructed. Took Inclovir at 09h00, 15h00, 21h00 and applied Zoter cream at 10h00, 14h00, 18h00, 21h00.
Couldn't stand doing nothing all day, so I started reading Ben Hill's "Princess Masako: Prisoner of the Chrysanthemum Throne". Tried to sleep early but couldn't because I was afraid that the fluid blisters might burst due to my sleeping habit and leaving deep scarrings. Only managed to sleep for a few hours. My scalp, face, torso and back were on fire. More and more sores appearing. Tonight had been the lowest night of the journey.
Day 05
Very bad night, my scalp was itching like hell and I couldn't sleep a wink. I needed to wash my hair today... regardless the urban legend about not showering and not washing my hair in order to get well soon. From now on, I'm gonna take a bath and wash my hair once a day in the morning and freshen up a bit in the evening... so off I went to take a hot bath with no soaping. Had stopped adding Permanganas Kalikus (PK) crystals to my lukewarm bathwater. Had unusual bleeding... Actually I had an unusual bleeding since Day 1, even before I took any medication. Don't know whether it had anything to do with the chickenpox. But today it was different. Felt like I was having my period... which was one week earlier than expected, so I decided to stop adding PK crystals to my bathwater.
Did the usual medication routine... Inclovir at 09h00, 15h00, 21h00 and applied Zoter cream at 10h00, 14h00, 18h00, 21h00. The good thing was I still had a healthy appetite... though I did a strict diet on seafood, soybean and eggs... to help reduce the itchiness. Been drinking lots water, honey and juices (guava juice, tomato juice), and ate lotta lotta oranges. More small poxes appeared on my limbs, spotted one on my right forefinger and another one on inner side of my lips. Gees! Couldn't look in the mirror... I look horrible... extremely terribly horrible!
Watched the news and felt grateful I was on sick leaves. Jakarta's traffic was terrible after 4 hours heavy downpour. Flood everywhere... Jakarta was practically paralyzed and most people came home from workplace by midnight. I learned that Mount Merapi had erupted and a 7.7 magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami struck Mentawai Island. My heart went out to the victims.
Day 06
Usual sleepless night with irritation and itchiness. This morning had a hot shower with no soaping and washed my hair. My number 1 rule... wash my hair every day so I could sleep better at night. Scalp was the worst in terms of discomfort.
Swallowing Inclovir pill and applying Zoter cream had become a familiar ritual... Inclovir at 09h00, 15h00, 21h00 and applied Zoter cream at 10h00, 14h00, 18h00, 21h00. The pox were still yellowish... and I noticed no more new reddish poxes... or was it just my wishful thinking? (sigh)... By now I had finished reading Ben Hill's international best seller book which triggered tension between Australian and Japanese government. Just enjoyed the rest of the evening watching my fave cable reality show on Diva Universal Channel... The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2. By the way... who was out tonight? Shakira from the Blue Team I guess.
Day 07
A good night sleep. Scalp, face and body mildly itchy, but get used to it now. Had a shower, washed hair with Clairol, but face and body with water. Felt great after. Applied Zoter cream and sipped Inclovir as instructed. Another laid back day... checking on emails and getting new updates from friends and family. Watching TV all day... waiting for my other fave talent show... The America's Next Top Model Cycle 14 on Star World... and Alasia was out... It was almost time, gal!
Day 08 (Thursday, Oct 28, 2010)
It had been a week now... and no new sores as I noticed. Scalp feeling much better. Face and body still a little itchy...but a few poxes now forming yellowish crusty scabs. Guess the sore was starting to scab from the blister stage. Been eating well, drinking lots of fresh squeezed guava juice... and never left over the medication on regular intervals. Spending time in bed relaxing... eager to find out who would be going home in the elimination leg of The Amazing Race Asia Season 4 tonight on AXN. What a life! If only I could relax and practice the art of doing nothing for the rest of life... without having to worry about what's on my dining plate tomorrow. And you know what? Alan and Wendy from Hongkong was eliminated. Poor guys!
Day 09
Starting out a new day with relaxing hot bath. More and more yellowish crusty scabs now... though there were still a few watery boils here and there. Guess have to be patient and apply more Zoter cream and cold powder on the fluid blisters. Left out the crusty scabs as I didn't know what to do with them. Lots people giving advice not to pick or scratch the scabs or they will scar. I'll just leave it to my dermatologist. I was gonna meet him tomorrow anyway.
Day 10
I was eager to meet my dermatologist and found out what he had to say about my nasty virus so far. Set out early with my spotty face... got caught in traffic jam for almost 2 hours. It was weekend for heaven's sake... when will this traffic jam ever end?
Despite a long queue at the waiting room, I managed to consult my dermatologist by noon and the verdict was... 90 percent of the blisters had scabbed over nicely, yet I still had to take 40 tablets of Inclovir on regular basis and applied Zoter cream on the remaining blisters. As for the scabs... had to wait until all scabs fall off by themselves. No picking or scratching allowed or they will scar... and just in case there were scars resulting from my filthy fingers digging on the scabs, I was given Mederma cream to help scars appear softer and smoother.
Mederma Skin Care for Scars by Merz should be generously applied and gently rubbed for 2-3 minutes into the scar 3 to 4 times a day for 8 weeks on new scar, and 3 to 4 times a day for 3 to 6 months on existing scars. During application, spread outward from the center of the scar. And it can only be used once the wound is closed.
Again... it cost me a fortune for the medication: a total of IDR 1,151,000 (IDR 280,000 for dermatologist fee, IDR 646,960 for 40 tablets of Inclovir, IDR 47,490 for a small tube of Zoter cream, IDR 176,853 for a 20 gr tube of Mederma cream... plus another week sick leaves note)
Day 11
Sleeping well now. Woke up fresh and had a morning hot shower... with soap only. Been trying to wash the scab-free spots at my face with PH-balance facial foam. Left out the scabs. The neck and limb area were the quickest to scab over... the worst were my face and my back. Wasn't able to use Mederma cream just yet... still waiting for the scabs to fall off by themselves.
Day 12
A scab on my chin got soft after showering and when I patted myself dry, it came off... and reveal fresh and tender skin. Guess it was time to apply Mederma cream. The face, torso and back were itching terribly... It was normal according to my dermatologist as it showed that my skin was healing. More and more blisters were crusting over with the formation of scabs. Every blister from the moment it erupts itches terribly lasting until the time of full recovery from the condition; this itchiness is one of the trademark symptoms of chickenpox. Still apply Zoter cream to some watery blisters. Guess they were the late comers... and don't forget did the Inclovir routine... 09h00, 15h00, and 21h00.
Day 13
Another day with another showering and medication routine. Feeling itchy all day... Today I decided to write a jounal on my struggle against chickenpox, so I had to reminisce all the itchiness and discomfort of the past 12 days. My only joy was I would be able to watch The Biggest Loser Asia Season 2 tonight... and Manjit was eliminated. Another Blue Team member gone.
Day 14
Most of the scabs on my face had come off, revealing red fresh skin... thus I have all these red blemishes over face. People said that these blemishes would fade away, but would take a very long time. Guess have to go to work with red blemishes for a month or so... (sigh). However I'm able to wash my face with PH balance facial foam from now on... and start to apply mild soap over the body.
More and more brown scabs are falling off... so applying more and more Mederma on the little craters. They are itching like hell... and it get worst by night. Try to forget the itchiness by watching America's Next Top Model Cycle 14... and witnessed sweet Jessica, the girl with commercial look being eliminated.
Day 15 (Thursday, Nov 4, 2010)
The itching attack is killing me...
Day 16
Both the medication ritual and my journal have been demanding more than an equal share of my attention over the past few days. This has benefited them both, I think. I've been able to read and understand more about the illness, thus hopefully I know what to do to accelerate my recuperation. And the process of healing has been a great help in writing my journal.
Day 17
Hooray, it's Saturday... and I'll leave my nest today and take a walk... or a drive. Been in good mood since almost 95% of the scabs have fallen off. As for the remaining, could see white crust develops around the scab and it's just a matter of time that the scab peels off. Walking around with no make-up on and show my red blemish face around is quite challenging, I must say. An ugly job, but got to be done since I have to go to work on Monday. A huge test to my self esteem :)
Day 22 (Thursday, Nov 11, 2010)
It's Day 22 and I had been back to work by the beginning of the week. Most of the scabs had fallen off, as for the few which hadn't fall off, I tried to hold myself from picking or scratching them, even it was a small scab... as I was not intended to spend lotta lotta money on skin treatment on scars. So better be patient. Meanwhile I still watched my diet (no sweet soy sauce, seafood, egg) and drank guava juice, tomato juice on daily basis. Applied and rubbed more Mederma on a few scars on my face, limbs, back and torso.
Day 32 (Sunday, Nov 21, 2010)
I had used up a 20 gr tube of Mederma and now continue with the second tube. Only a few scars left on my face, back and arm. It's Sunday morning and I thought to myself... why not pamper myself with a home spa treatment? A sweet corn-mask is said to give visibly lighter skin by reducing blemishes and dark spots. Just what I needed.
Hold the stem end of the husked ear of corn and rest the tip of the ear on the bottom of a medium bowl. Use a sharp grater to scrape corn kernels and let them fall into the bowl. Don't add anything to it. Start the application of the corn mask from my neck. Lightly rubbing it onto the skin. Go on working my way down over my skin to the legs. Leave the mask on my body for the required amount of time (approx. 30 mins). After the mask has set or the required time period is over, rinse my face and neck with warm water.
It's one of Indonesian traditional heritage spa and I'll give it a try for a month. Hopefully will help reduce those blemishes and dark spots.
Day 48 (Tuesday, Dec 7, 2010)
Holiday today due to the Islamic New Year (1 Muharam) and I'll have more than enough time to do the sweetcorn home spa again. It's the second time I give it a try... hopefully will help reduce the black spots.
I've been counting my days till the day I'll be able to take a plunge again in the pool... Been almost 2 months since my last swimming routine after I sprained my ankle and fell into the trap of the nasty chickenpox disaster.
Day 53 (Sunday, Dec 12, 2010)
Another sweetcorn body spa... I notice still have at least 4 dark spots at my back and another 4 near my waist. Have to make peace with myself and live with them... I guess.
Day 60 (Sunday, Dec 19, 2010)
Yet another sweetcorn body spa... I decided it's time for me to begin my swimming routine starting today... It was a cold windy evening, yet wouldn't stop me from plunging into the pool. Met the nice lifeguard whom is my best buddy at the pool... and shared the pool with merely 2 guys... Yeah, I could have the Olympic-size pool all by myself. 4 laps would do for a start.
Day 80 (Saturday, Jan 8, 2011)
I step on a digital scale and here we go. Ta-da... 4 kg lighter than my usual weight. Just as I had expected. Think I had lost a few kg since Oct 2010. Is it one of chickenpox side-effect? I don't know...
But somehow I feel happy since I can fit in my fave old denim now!
As happy as I can get, I still have to deal with numerous pimples on my face. I had tried Seba Med anti pimple gel but just wouldn't do. Think will live with them for a while as I believe they'll disappear in time as I gradually recover.
Day 103 (Monday, Jan 31, 2011)
Been almost a month now and the pimples just won't go away! I had been thinking of giving up to my last resort... run to my dermatologist and cry for help. However the thought of the stressful drive to the hospital kept me from doing so. I still keep one Jeuno bar of 25 grams ( and I'll just give it a try. Usually it works. By the way, I'm still 4 weights lighter... and I had been wearing my stone wash jeans a lot recently. Yip-pie!
Day 191 (Friday, Apr 29, 2011)
These pimples are killing me. They're like a chewing gum sticking on the shoes, impossible to get rid of no matter what you do. Now I'm looking more and more like Pippi Longstocking :( Just need to bleach my hair red and I'm Pippi Longstocking. Guess it's time to take action.
Another horrible thing happening is that I seem to be losing weight on monthly basis. As happy as I can be fitting into my fave pair of blue jeans, I'm starting to get worried. 48kg is cool, but now I'm hitting the 46 level. This is no joke anymore. Besides I'm going to meet someone on my upcoming birthday. I won't have face to meet up with this guy with pimples on my face and my skeleton-like figure.
Day 226 (Friday, June 3, 2011)
That's it! I've had enough. I'm on my way to see my dermatologist and seek-up some advice. I'm not returning to my previous chickenpox dermatologist and decide to seek second opinion instead. So here I go... complaining and whining to the dermatologist about my pimples. Should I put the blame on the 80 tablets of Inclovir which I swallowed while I was on medication for chickenpox? The dermatologist insisted it has nothing to do with the chickenpox since chickenpox is viral and pimple is caused by bacterial infection. Well, he's the expert anyway.
He prescribed:
60 tablets of Dalacin C (Clindamycin 150mg), to be taken 2 times a day after meals, 1 tablet each.
Acnefeldin Solution (with 2% Acideen and 3% Sulfur added) to rub on my pimples.
60 tablets of Vitamin A 20.000 UI, to be taken 3 times a day after meals, 1 tablet each.
I should swallow Dalacin C tablets for a month. Let's see how it goes in a month.
Day 270 (Sunday, July 7, 2011)
Hooray! My pimples are all gone and I'm gaining back 3 kg weight, so now I'm happy enough sitting at 49kg :) However I can't shake off the question resounding inside my brain cells: "Really? Those 80 tablets of Inclovir have nothing to do with my weight loss and pimples?" Anybody to enlighten me up?
Oh... by the way, have I mentioned my meeting-up with that guy went well?
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